Friday, August 31, 2012

A New Venture

I do apologise so very much for being tardy with Neil Cooks Grigson, I have been crazily busy since my move from St Louis, Missouri (US of A) back to Levenshulme, Manchester (UK of A).

However I have not been lazy and I have exciting news; I have started up a food business! It is in its very early stages, but I have had more success already than I hoped. The business is called The Buttery (I couldn’t waste a surname like mine!) and it sells traditional British foods; some classics and some long-forgotten. I have built up such a list of amazing recipes over the years with my two blogs, I thought I should share the wealth and give the business a whirl. So over the last few months I have been designing logos, coming up with menus and working out how the hell I’m going to do this! Needless to say it has taken over my life.

Aside from selling some good proper food, I want the business to be community-based in two different ways: firstly I want to support local businesses and promote the excellent produce that is practically on our own door-step; secondly, I want to offer cookery lessons to the surrounding community, not fancy cooking but basic skills like bread and stock making. If I can get a community grant from the government I’ll be able to do the lessons for free too.

However all of this is in the future, so to start off I am doing the local artisan markets in South Manchester. My first one was in Levenshulme last Saturday and it was a complete success. If you live in Manchester, keep your eye out for me in the local markets.

The food that I am making fit into four broad categories and many of them appear either on this blog or British Food: A History: Savouries, Desserts, Teatime and Preserves & Pickles.

I would love it if you had a look at the website to tell me what you think ( If you have any special requests or anything blindingly obvious I have missed out, do let me know!
Now that I have had my first market – and it was nerve-wracking on the day – I promise to add posts much more often. Also, I’ll keep you posted with any further developments.

Chao for now!


  1. Great news! Your website looks very nicely done. I grew up in Cheshire & Lancashire & still have family up there - will defintely follow your market route & pass the word on.
    List looks excellent. How about some sort of potted shrimp, fish paste, etc? Also oatcakes & a really good parkin?
    Good luck!

  2. Thanks!

    As it happens I am intending to do parkin toward the end of September as we get a little closer to Bonfire Night. Maybe some toffee apples too...

    As for the potted fish, I have the Patum peperium (potted anchovies), but am thinking of trying salmon or kipper/bloater.

    I've never actually made oatcakes! I'llhave to do something about that...

    Thanks for the suggestions!

  3. fantastic!!! i have missed you as for some reason you're only on the mac which has been in the repair shop for months. this is an exciting venture, i hope it goes very well.

  4. It's going well! Hard work but lots of fun to do. Hopefully it'll grow...

  5. Why was I not informed you had a second blog before? O.o

    Also, congratulations and I wish you every success. With your love of good food you certianly deserve it!

  6. Cheers! It is going well - just done my 2nd pop-up restaurant. Many recipes from English Food have appeared. Hopefully, I'll get some permanent premises soon!
