Sunday, September 11, 2011

Neil Cooks Grigson is 4!

Hello there.
I just realised today that it is Neil Cooks Grigson's 4th birthday! I am so terrible at remembering these things - if I had been a bit more observant I would have done a nice spread. Oh well never mind. At least I get the chance to say a big thanks to everyone who reads and comments on the posts, I get such nice feedback from people and that always spurs me on.

I am two-thirds of the way through the project now, so I suppose there's still another couple of years of blogging this book at the very least!

The blog is going to be quiet over the next few weeks, but I have great plans coming up for October.... watch this space...


  1. Some unusual animal parts for October? I'm game!

  2. Joan - oh yes! i hve managed to procure some good animal parts...

  3. Happy Birthday for the brilliant blog Nizza. Hope you and Lee are discovering gourmet delights on your travels. More offal please :-)

  4. Cheers Seggy. There will definitely be more offal coming up!
